

Clinical Conditions

In our center you can be nutritionally supported for any clinical condition. Our goal is to meet the nutritional needs of people suffering from any clinical condition.


Sports Nutrition

Sports nutrition is aimed at people who want to improve their performance by using a diet program, adapted to their sports goals, type, volume and intensity of training, but also the special needs of their body.

Our goal is a balanced and personalized diet plan that can maximize the benefits of exercise as well as the health benefits of exercise. The athlete’s diet has a significant effect on athletic performance, provides energy and regulates metabolic processes. It is very important both during the training period and during the race, but also the recovery stages in which it differs significantly.


Weight Loss

Usually there is a tendency to regain the weight we have lost.

Our goal is to properly prepare your environment so that you can create a healthy routine and train you step by step to adopt a balanced relationship with food and not need a diet again.

Therefore, by developing good eating habits and regular physical activity, you are more likely to lose weight, lead to ideal loss and maintain it…


Weight Gain

Gaining weight for some people can be just as painful and as difficult as losing weight for others.

Our goal is a healthy weight gain in fluid and muscle mass and as little as possible in adipose tissue and to avoid deregulation of metabolism, a risk that lurks in overeating. Exercise of a specific form plays an important role in this effort.



Obesity is the clinical condition in which excessive fat storage can have negative consequences for the health of the individual (infants, children, adolescents, adults and the elderly).

Obesity is associated with the occurrence of many health problems such as musculoskeletal problems as it affects the waist, knees and ankles, with cardiovascular disease and hypertension and therefore the occurrence of thrombolytic events such as heart attack, diabetes and cold and leading to social isolation and feelings of inferiority.

Our goal is permanent weight loss-adipose tissue and maintaining the result in the long run as well as the adoption of a balanced lifestyle in weight control and health.

To achieve this goal, special emphasis is placed on Nutritional Counseling, Nutrition education, guidance, psychological support and ultimately on modifying eating behavior.



Pregnancy is an important but also a critical period in a woman’s life. She must pay attention to her weight and diet to ensure a smooth outcome of the pregnancy and consequently the health of the baby.

The proper development of the fetus presupposes your own proper and good nutrition without quantitative and qualitative exaggerations. Do not use the phrase “eat for two” to justify the large amounts you may consume.

Our goal is to get all the necessary nutrients for you and the fetus, to deal with any complications such as high blood sugar (gestational diabetes), high blood pressure, etc. and finally to manage your weight.



The benefits of breastfeeding for both mothers and infants are well documented. Human milk is the preferred food for the newborn.

The role of nutrition is important especially during breastfeeding. Achieving a high level of nutrition on the part of the mother is required to optimize breastfeeding.

For this purpose, the mother should follow a healthy and balanced diet. This diet should take into account the needs for energy, nutrients, vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

Our goal is the nutritional education of the mother about the role of nutrition during breastfeeding and its benefits for her and for the baby, the nutritional assessment of the breastfeeding mother, the development of an individualized diet plan to meet the energy needs of adequate milk production and safe weight loss during breastfeeding.


Children & Adolescents

Childhood and adolescence are characterized by many challenges. The formation of more and more specific eating preferences initially, follows their extensive change in adolescence.

At the same time, the need for nutritious food choices is more urgent than ever, due to the truly explosive way of growing, both physically and hormonally. At the same time, at these ages an aggravating legacy can be formed for the adult years, in terms of predisposition to overweight, but also health conditions such as pre-diabetes, pre-hypertension (first stage outside the price range) and dyslipidemias (high total cholesterol, low HDL, high triglycerides, etc.). These conditions require regulation from these ages and vigilance in adulthood.

Our goal is to evaluate the diet of the child and adolescent, in order to make the changes that will lead to a healthy weight, along with its development. In this case, the cooperation and training of the guardian are essential ingredients for success!


Eating Disorders

Eating disorders have gained a lot of interest in recent years. Bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa are the most common eating disorders that occur mainly in women and young people and less in men.

Social factors (eg. the abundance of food in developed countries along with society’s emphasis on being thin in order to be desirable and beautiful) play a very important role.

Our goal is for the patient (because it is essentially a disease) to be able to gradually change his weight and change his eating habits in such a way that he can reach normal levels. Also, to separate his eating habits from the emotional and psychological part and finally to learn to maintain a healthy weight level without using wrong eating and behavioral habits.


Monastic Diet-Fasting

The monastic diet is not just what we call the Mediterranean Diet. It is something much more. A diet plan during fasting can have both positives and negatives. However, when the diet is balanced, it has positive results such as:

– Reduces cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood.

– Helps better regulate blood sugar and blood pressure.

– Protects against osteoporosis and various types of cancer.

– It has anti-aging properties.

– Promotes better bowel function.

– Long life. Most monks die after eighty-five to ninety-five years. Deaths from seventy to eighty-five years are few. But there are several monks who die after ninety-five and several cases of monks who live more than a hundred years.

– Good physical condition

– Balanced psychosomatic condition, well-being

– Minimize death rates from stomach and lung cancer because monks do not smoke.

– The case of colon cancer is almost non-existent. In the last twenty-five years, only one monk has died of colon cancer. Prostate cancer is rare.

– Low percentage of cardiac cases, as well as all diseases that are directly related to the heart, ie pressure, arteriosclerosis, cholesterol, triglycerides, etc.

A fasting diet plan can be followed when it is balanced in nutrients and meets the energy needs of the people who follow it, along with taking a dietary supplement and under the supervision of a dietitian or doctor.


Vegan and Vegetarian Diet

More and more people are choosing to avoid meat and switch to a plant-based diet. This happens, either for ethical reasons (see animal protection, environmental protection), or for personal health and weight gain reasons. Therefore, it is important – if you choose to follow such a diet – to make sure that your diet is well designed without nutrient deficiencies.

Our goal, depending on the strictness and restrictions of your diet, is:

  • Eliminate the risk of nutrient deficiency and consequently the risk of affecting your health.
  • Or even for minor or transient nutrient deficiencies that can affect you during the day on issues such as fatigue, work performance and energy levels.
  • Or to inform and guide you properly because the information you find on this subject from the internet or social media is often incomplete, if not contradictory, and often scientifically unsubstantiated. in addition to achieving the goal of weight and training around nutritious food combinations, a balanced diet plan that is properly designed for you has much more to give you!!


Food Allergies

A food allergy is an adverse reaction to a food or ingredient that involves the body’s immune system.

There are other side effects in which the metabolism is involved and not the immune system.

Our goal is with the proper diet plan to learn to avoid these foods and replace them with similar ones that will not cause you any problems.


Autoimmune diseases

The term autoimmune diseases covers a wide range of symptoms, the common feature of which is the dysfunction of the immune system!

Autoimmune diseases occur when the body attacks and destroys its own cells and organs.

The etymology of the word comes from the word “auto”, which means “mine”, and the word “immune”, which refers to the immune system.

Autoimmunity is the most common cause of chronic diseases. It is worth noting that 10% of people in Europe suffer from an autoimmune disease.

Medical conditions such as multiple sclerosis, juvenile diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, psoriasis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, lupus erythematosus, dermatomyositis), are just some of the more than one hundred diseases whose recognized origin is autoimmune.

A common finding of experts, however, is that hereditary predisposition, intense mental stress and the environment (pollution, viruses, toxic, sunlight, etc.) play an important role.

Our goal is the proper diet to reduce inflammation and therefore reduce the symptoms of autoimmune.

Photo Sources: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13

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