Therapeutic Nutrition & Therapeutic Exercise

Therapeutic Nutrition & Therapeutic Exercise

“Key” is personalization !!!

More and more research is demonstrating the role of nutrition in our health.

Let your food become medicine and let your food become your medicine” (Hippocrates)

Personalizing a diet plan can not only combat the longevity of a disease, but also to restore the coveted balance in the body and make us fly”!! In this context, the role of the so-called therapeutic diet is catalytic, as “Shield” against obesity and most diseases, metabolic, autoimmune, neurodegenerative etc. The solution is to offer our body the right treatment by hiring daily the necessary vitamins and the appropriate micro- and macro-nutrients, to balance the biochemistry of the body. In other words the body absorbs the right amount of nutrients that needed, in order to start burning fat, to balance blood sugar, to stabilize hormones and build and maintain proper muscle mass. In order to be able to do this, among other things, specialized medicals are necessary examinations, which will be suggested by the specialist doctor. They will show you exactly where the problem is.

“Specialized and accurate tests at molecular and genetic level, as well as ability to translate the genome, allow us to see inside the cells. These tests accurately reflect the given condition of the organism at this particular moment. They identify deficiencies of vitamins, amino acids, trace elements, minerals, enzymes and proteins. In addition, they reveal “hidden inflammations”, which do not appear in the usual examination”.

Exercise and physical activity have always been important components of good health. Lack of physical activity is associated with the presence of chronic and severe diseases and that exercise in the right “dosage” contributes significantly as adjunctive therapy or as a preventive measure. Thus in conjunction with Therapeutic exercise, we aim to improve mental or physical health of the trainee and his functionality which has been limited due to a specific disease. Therapeutic exercise is aimed at people in the final stage of recovery after  a disease or injury, as well as in the general population and is applied through personalized programs under the guidance and strict supervision of a trainer and physiotherapist.

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